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Holiday Camps

LTB Holiday Camps

LTB Holiday camps are guaranteed jam-packed days full of sporting fun for children aged 5-12. Our camps have something for everyone including sports such as Basketball, Gymnastics, Football, Tennis, Cricket, Dodgeball as well as our unique special activities of Laser Tag and Zorb Games!
All our venues include high quality safe indoor and outdoor facilites which enable us to run come rain or shine and deliver numerous activities.
Our vastly experienced coaching professionals ensure everyone is engaged and enjoying themselves in a safe environment.
We look to put on various daily individual and group challenges. We love rewarding teamwork, participation and good attitude. We give out several awards and prizes over the duration of our camps.
LTB Holiday Camp Venues:
The Howard of Effingham School (Effingham)
Byfleet Village FC (Byfleet)
The Raleigh School (West Horsley)
Parkside School (Cobham)
Wraysbury Village FC (Wraysbury)
Book on LTB Holiday Camp:

LTB Holiday Camps

✓ Affordable, High Quality Sports Coaching

✓ Safe, Multi-Purpose Venues

✓ Fully Qualified Coaching Professionals

✓ Varied Selection of Sports/Activities

✓ Early Bird & Sibling Discounts